Take Back Time: How to Productively Structure Your Week Using the M.O.M. Method
We have a returning audience favorite on the podcast today. Tune in as Lani Jackson talks about structuring your week productively using the M.O.M. Method.
Episode Introduction:
If you’re tired of the overwhelm that comes along with owning a business, it’s time to use the M.O.M. Method (Mindset, Operations & Moving Forward) to get productive in a healthy way.
Episode Summary:
Lani Jackson walks us through the importance of intentional scheduling and the M.O.M. Method in structuring a workweek that works for you. In today’s episode, we’re talking all things systems, scheduling, and getting back on track.
Main Takeaways:
The first step to taking back time is acknowledging that things are not how you want them to be.
Remember to not feel guilty about being tired of overwhelm.
Start by determining how much you want to work every week. It could look like setting business hours for yourself.
Figure out the high and low energy points in your day and schedule your tasks accordingly.
Braindump all of the things that you think you need to do and then categorize them into Do Now, Do Later & Do Never.
Find lani jackson:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/lanijacksoncoaching
Website: https://lanijackson.com/
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