LAW CHAT | Girija Patel

In today’s episode, I’ll be sharing some really simple yet significant details that most entrepreneurs miss out when their business is just starting. These will help you in making the most out of your efforts and elevate your business’ growth.

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Girija Patel
LAW CHAT | Girija Patel

In today’s episode, I’ll be talking about pivoting in 2021 and diversifying your product suite so you can be more efficient in generating revenue from multiple streams while being strategic about your business.

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Girija Patel
LAW CHAT | Renee Dalo

In today’s Law Chat episode, we are accompanied by Renee Dalo who shares with us her journey from being a broadway actress to being a wedding planner and now creating top-notch resources for other people in the industry through her e-courses and her podcast, Talk With Renée Dalo.

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Girija Patel
LAW CHAT | Girija Patel

I’ll be walking you through important legal terminologies that you must equip yourself with in order to keep your business legally protected in 2021. These are the basics broken down into the simplest language so that you don’t feel overwhelmed with the use of high-end legal terminology.

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Girija Patel
LAW CHAT | Girija Patel

I’ll be walking you through how I set my goals for the upcoming year and also share what are some of the tricks that help me stay efficient and goal oriented throughout the year.

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Girija Patel
LAW CHAT | Neil Tyra

In today’s Law Chat episode, we are accompanied by Neil Tyra who shares with us his vivid list of experiences in various professions. He shares where he began from, what he’s done in life and what he plans to do. He also speaks about the importance of continuously educating oneself.

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Girija Patel
LAW CHAT | Megan Gillikin

Megan Gillikin walks us through her entire journey from working at the reception to being the venue coordinator for a hotel to now owning a full-fledged event company and helping others do the same. She shares with us some secrets, and what she wishes she could’ve done differently in her business and her life. The episode also consists of some golden law advice from Girija that’ll help you make an informed decision if you’re planning to buy a business.

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Girija Patel
LAW CHAT | Emily Bastedo

Emily Bastedo walks us through her love of all things fashion, her body positivity, and her journey is becoming a plus size fashion influencer. She shares fun incidents from her life, some scary threats she got online, her top advice for budding influencers, and her behind the scenes struggles with our listeners.

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Girija Patel
LAW CHAT | Lani Jackson

In today’s Law Chat episode, we are accompanied by Lani Jackson. She’s an entrepreneur who wears several hats. She’s on the Law Chat mic today to share with us what her journey of being a successful blogger and mompreneur looks like and every single hardship she’s faced along the way.

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Girija Patel
LAW CHAT | Bree Pair

In today’s Law Chat episode, we are accompanied by the founder of the one-stop-shop for bloggers. She has built her entire business around creating a go-to resource for all your blogging needs.

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Girija Patel
LAW CHAT | Miranda Anderson

In this episode of Law Chat With Girija, we are accompanied by a true minimalist who tells her how she turned her life around by realizing the importance of what she already had as opposed to always chasing for more.

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Girija Patel
LAW CHAT | Macy Lima

In this episode of Law Chat With Girija, we are accompanied by a true business coach, with years of business experience under her belt, she now helps women go from corporate to self-employed in 90 days with her coaching program.

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Girija Patel
LAW CHAT | Sukaina Rajani

In this episode of Law Chat With Girija, we are accompanied by a holistic wellness practitioner turned into a phenomenal pastry chef. Sukaina Rajani shares her journey with us, the hardships she faced in life, what led her to become a pastry chef and how she managed the drastic pivot.

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Girija Patel